Well equipped and spacious
Hydraulic Table
Foetal Doppler, Ventose and Forceps
Eminent and experienced gynaecologist
Trained Staff
Moraya Hospital Colour Doppler, 2D Eacho Altra Sonography, X-Ray, ECG Pathology, PFT departments are open 24 hours to conduct
Well equipped, spacious and air conditioned, Air sterilizer and state-of-the-art equipments, Hydraulic and Radio Translucent C - Arm compatible OT table.
Well ventilated, adequate lighting, spacious with all necessary amenities and light music create a pleasant and pious environment. Timely and accurate service to the patients save their valuable time.
Critical Care comprises of 7 Cardiac Critical Unit beds, Cardic Monitors bedside X-ray, USG, 2D Eacho, Oxygen system.
Moraya Hospital Pharmacy is open 24 hours and caters to indoor as well as outdoor patients.
Apart from Critical Care Ambulance, another 2 ambulances are available in the hospital.